The Three Types of Political Systems

I’ve come to view the world in three types of political systems.

First, there is the system that says “do not use coercion against other humans”. This is a principle-based system: there’s no complicated legal reasoning or law-making here. The only crime is bringing coercion against other people. If someone takes your wallet, you can only use reason and other voluntary, non-violent means to get it back. This type of political system is called pacifism. 

A second system states “do not use coercion against non-violent people”. This is another principle-based system. As long as people don’t use violence to coerce you, you cannot do it to them. However, if someone steals your wallet, you can punch them in the nose and take it back – they initiated the aggression, and thus they lose the protection of the principle. This political system is called libertarianism.

The final bucket comprises all other systems, and can be generally summed up as “anyone who does something that we find distasteful can be locked up in a cage”.  This is a preference-based system and can be almost anything: “I find it distasteful when people use marijuana.” “I find it distasteful when people use coke.” “I find it distasteful when people drink alcohol before age 21.” “I find it distasteful when people drink raw milk.” “I find it distasteful when people use naturopathic remedies for cancer.” “I find it distasteful when people have vegetable gardens in their front yard.” “I find it distasteful when people pay their employees too much.” “I find it distasteful when people pay their employees too little.” The list is endless; everyone has a pet peeve they would like to see stamped out. In this system, people with similar tastes band together in groups, compete (e.g. by voting or fighting) for the control of the coercive political apparatus, and when they win they start cracking skulls. These groups are called “Republicans” or “Democrats” or “Social Democrats” or “Democratic Socialists” or “Greens” or whatever.

Preferences vary. Preferences vary from individual to individual, from daytime to nighttime, from weekday to weekend, from youth to old age, from city to countryside, from state to state, from men to women, from rich to poor. They therefore form an arbitrary basis for a legal system, as at any moment just about anything can become illegal (or legal). It creates an unstable society where power see-saws back and forth between different gangs who can’t wait to get in there and start busting heads of the people who are living “wrong”. And “majority-rule” is a synonym for “minority-lose”, with the smallest minority being an individual.

I’m completely convinced that one day we’ll look back in shame at this system. Just as slavery used to be prevalent, just as monarchy used to be prevalent, just as constant wars used to be prevalent, but are now considered barbaric and backwards, one day we’ll look back on this political system and lament how barbaric and backwards it was. I don’t think I’ll be around to see that day. Probably not even my children. But one day, hopefully, this will all pass away.